Stagii de plasament Erasmus

ML Components, based in Mainz, Germany, is specialised in the sale and distribution of electronic parts, with a partner company based in Malta, too.

There is currently a number of opening for internships in Sales and Business Development, Purchasing, Marketing, IT and HR. The position is available both in Malta and Germany. We are looking for undergraduate and graduate students from Business or Marketing courses.

Should you need further information do not hesitate to contact at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

My name is Alastair and I’m a marketing executive here at Paragon Europe.
Paragon Europe Internships Team consists of multilingual, multicultural and multidisciplinary professionals who always strive to realise excellence. We pride ourselves on having a 95% satisfaction rate from our customers throughout Europe.
Our company offers high level internship services to educational institutions all over Europe. I would like to discuss with you, mobility services between our organisations as we have collaborated in the past.
I’ve attached relevant documentation (Intership și Training Mobility) to this email for your perusal which will give you a good idea of the new services we can offer you to add to our success for the last 15 years.
I wish to call you over the next couple of days to explore ways to better collaborate in terms of services and number of students. So I would propose a 30 minutes call either Thursday 5th or Friday 6th
I’m looking forward for your feedback and future successful collaboration between Paragon and your institution.
Oferte de plasament la: EasyStage, UNIVERSIDAD DE JAÉN și ErasmuSpain.

Studentii pot candida pentru mobilitate de plasament in cadrul competitiei Erasmus + cu termen de depunere continua (primul venit / primul servit) pana in luna martie 2017.
Dosarul pentru concurs
  • cuprinde : cerere, cv (format Europass), scrisoare de motivatie, copie atestat lingvistic si scrisoare de acceptare de la compania in cadrul careia urmeaza sa se desfasoare stagiul de practica (internship)
  • se depune la secretariatul facultatii IIR
Pentru a beneficia de mobilitate Erasmus, studentii trebuie sa fie integralisti si sa aiba competente lingvistice relevante pentru activitatile pe care le vor desfasura in companiile din tarile europene.