A fost lansat programul international „STEM Scholars Program”, de catre New York Academy of Sciences si United Technologies.

Conform programului, initiativa internationala, mentori STEM din cadrul UPB pot asigura sesiuni de referinta in domeniile STEM, exclusiv on-line, prin intermediul platformei programului.

Colaborarea aduce multiple beneficii:

  • cresterea gradului de internationalizare UPB,
  • initierea de noi parteneriate cu actori cheie din domeniile STEM (la o simpla cautare, am gasit un grant NSF ce a finantat o astfel de initiativa: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1223284),
  • nu in ultimul rand – promovarea educatiei in STEM in context preuniversitar la nivel international, punand astfel bazele unor noi premise/proiecte pentru integrarea/stimularea elevilor, viitori studenti UPB (din tara).

Link program:



Welcome to the STEM Scholars Program!

We’re so happy that you’re here.  Young people want to save the world through science and we want to help them do just that by showing them how real science, technology, engineering, and math experts can make a difference.  


We need STEM mentors and high-school students just like you to join this life-changing opportunity.  The free global program pairs high school students with a personal one-on-one mentor that meets twice a month over the course of a year through an all virtual, online platformSound like something you want to be a part of? Then start your journey by creating a username and password on your right. All you need is 20 minutes to fill out our application and you’ll be on your way to being part of an elite, global STEM community.